How do I prevent claims on my YouTube videos?

Track Club has two solutions to prevent ContentID claims on your YouTube videos. 

  1. If you are an Individual subscriber you have the ability to clear claims on one channel only. Simply enter your YouTube ChannelID in your Track Club account settings. This will automatically release any claims generated on your channel. This must be done before you upload content to work effectively.
  2. If you are a Business subscriber you have the ability to clear claims on many channels. Enter your YouTube ChannelID into your Track Club account settings. For additional channels, click “Clear Videos” in your Track Club account settings to generate a TrackID for each video you wish to clear claims on. Simply paste the code into your video’s description or tags to have claims resolved automatically.

Claims are resolved within 10 minutes. If your claim is still unresolved beyond 10 minutes, reach out to for assistance.

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